In Principle Agreement or in Principal Agreement

Post Date : April 14, 2023

When it comes to the correct usage of English grammar, many people get confused with certain phrases, words, or expressions. One of the common phrases that cause confusion is “in principle agreement” or “in principal agreement.” Both phrases sound similar, but there is a significant difference between the two.

In principle agreement refers to an agreement that is based on a set of principles or fundamental beliefs. It means that even though the agreement is not yet finalized, the parties involved have agreed, in principle, to the terms and conditions of the agreement. For instance, if two parties are negotiating a contract, and they agree on the basic terms and conditions, they can say that they have a “in principle agreement.”

On the other hand, in principal agreement refers to an agreement that involves a principal, usually a head of an organization, or a person with a high-level authority. It is an agreement that is made by or on behalf of an individual who has the principal authority to make decisions. For instance, if a school principal agrees to purchase a new set of computers for the school, the agreement can be referred to as an “in principal agreement.”

It is important to note that while “in principle agreement” is a correct expression, “in principal agreement” is incorrect. The confusion between the two phrases arises because “in principle” and “in principal” sound alike. However, they have different meanings, and using them interchangeably is incorrect.

In conclusion, it is important to use the correct phrase when making an agreement. So, if you are in a situation where you need to use these phrases, remember that it is “in principle agreement” and not “in principal agreement.” As a copy editor, it is essential to pay attention to the small details, and using the correct phrase can make all the difference in effectively communicating with your audience.