Section 75 Belfast Agreement

Post Date : September 10, 2022

The Section 75 Belfast Agreement: Understanding its Importance in Northern Ireland

The Belfast Agreement, also known as the Good Friday Agreement, is one of the most important political agreements in Northern Ireland’s history. Signed in 1998, it brought an end to the decades-long conflict between the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and the British government, which had claimed over 3,500 lives. One of the key provisions of the agreement is Section 75, which sets out a framework for promoting equality and preventing discrimination in Northern Ireland.

What is Section 75?

Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 requires public authorities in Northern Ireland to promote equality of opportunity, eliminate discrimination, and foster good relations between people of different backgrounds. The section covers nine categories of discrimination, including age, disability, gender, race, religion, and sexual orientation. It requires public authorities to consider the impact of their policies and practices on these categories and take steps to address any inequalities that may arise.

Why is Section 75 Important?

Section 75 is important because it ensures that public services in Northern Ireland are accessible to everyone, regardless of their background. It also promotes respect for diversity and helps to prevent discrimination in all areas of public life. By requiring public authorities to consider the impact of their policies and practices on different groups, it helps to identify and address any barriers to equality that may exist.

The Belfast Agreement itself acknowledges the importance of equality and non-discrimination as key principles for building a peaceful and stable society in Northern Ireland. Section 75 is a crucial part of this, as it provides a legal framework for translating these principles into action. By requiring public authorities to promote equality and prevent discrimination, it helps to foster a culture of respect for diversity and build trust between communities.

Examples of Section 75 in Action

Since its introduction, Section 75 has been used to promote equality and tackle discrimination in a range of areas in Northern Ireland. For example, it has been used to:

– Ensure that public services are accessible to people with disabilities, such as by requiring the provision of sign-language interpreters or accessible buildings.

– Promote gender equality by requiring public authorities to take steps to address the gender pay gap and increase the representation of women in decision-making roles.

– Address the legacy of the Troubles by requiring public authorities to take steps to promote reconciliation and address the needs of victims and survivors.


The Belfast Agreement and its provisions, including Section 75, have played a crucial role in building a more peaceful and inclusive society in Northern Ireland. By promoting equality and preventing discrimination, Section 75 helps to build trust between communities and ensures that everyone has access to public services. As Northern Ireland continues to face challenges, including the ongoing Brexit negotiations and the COVID-19 pandemic, Section 75 remains a vital tool for building a brighter future for all of its citizens.