Inter Corporate Deposit Agreement Draft

Post Date : August 24, 2023

Inter Corporate Deposit Agreement Draft: Everything You Need to Know

An Inter Corporate Deposit Agreement (ICDA) is a type of agreement between two corporate entities that involves the deposit of funds by one entity into the bank account of the other entity. This is often done to earn higher interest rates on the funds, which can be beneficial for both parties involved. If you are interested in drafting an ICDA, below is everything you need to know.

Purpose of an Inter Corporate Deposit Agreement

The primary purpose of an ICDA is to provide a legal agreement between two companies who wish to enter into a deposit arrangement with each other. By setting out the terms of the deposit, the ICDA can help to ensure that both parties are clear on the payment and withdrawal requirements, the interest rate that will be paid, and any penalties that may be incurred if either party fails to meet their obligations.

Components of an Inter Corporate Deposit Agreement

An ICDA typically contains several key components, including:

1. Name and address of the entities involved in the agreement

2. The amount of the deposit

3. The interest rate that will be paid on the deposit

4. The date when the deposit will be made

5. The date when the deposit will be returned

6. Any penalties that may be incurred for early withdrawal

7. Any other terms or conditions that are required by law or agreed between the parties

Drafting an Inter Corporate Deposit Agreement

When drafting an ICDA, it is important to ensure that the agreement is clear, concise, and comprehensive. All key terms and conditions should be clearly set out in writing, and any ambiguities or uncertainties should be addressed.

As a professional, some important tips that can be followed to ensure that your ICDA is SEO-friendly are:

1. Use relevant keywords: Ensure that the title and the subheadings contain relevant keywords, as it can help your article rank higher on search engines.

2. Use headings and subheadings: Break up the article into smaller sections with headings and subheadings to make it easier for the reader to navigate.

3. Keep the language simple: Avoid using technical jargon or complicated language, and keep the article simple and easy to read.


In conclusion, drafting an Inter Corporate Deposit Agreement can be beneficial for companies who wish to earn higher interest rates on their funds. By following the guidelines above, you can ensure that your ICDA is clear, comprehensive, and SEO-friendly.