Sub Contractor Meaning Bengali

Post Date : December 17, 2021

Sub Contractor Meaning Bengali: Understanding the Concept

Sub-contracting is a widely prevalent business practice, especially in the construction and manufacturing industry. It involves outsourcing some parts of a project to another company or individual, who is known as the sub-contractor. In this article, we will discuss the meaning of the sub-contractor and how it is relevant in the Bengali language.

What is a Sub-Contractor?

A sub-contractor is a person or company hired by the main contractor to perform a specific task or section of a project. The main contractor is responsible for the overall supervision, planning, and execution of the entire project. The sub-contractor, on the other hand, is contracted to perform a specialized task or provide specific services that the main contractor cannot do by themselves.

For instance, a construction company might contract a roofing company to install the roof of a building, rather than doing it themselves. In this case, the roofing company is the sub-contractor, and the contract they have with the construction company defines their scope of work, payment, and other terms and conditions.

How is Sub-Contractor Relevant in Bengali Language?

In Bengali, sub-contractor is known as উপ ঠিকাদার (Upo Thikadar). The term `উপ` (Upo) means `sub,` and `ঠিকাদার` (Thikadar) refers to a contractor. Together, the term Upo Thikadar means a sub-contractor. The concept of sub-contracting is prevalent in Bangladesh, where it is used in various industries, including construction, textiles, and manufacturing.

The practice of sub-contracting is particularly widespread in the garment industry, where multinational companies often outsource part of their production to smaller factories or individual workshops. However, sub-contracting also poses risks to workers` rights, as sub-contracted workers are more likely to be paid lower wages and work under poorer conditions.


In conclusion, sub-contracting is a prevalent business practice in various industries, including construction, manufacturing, and textiles. In Bengali, sub-contractors are known as Upo Thikadar, and they play a crucial role in completing specialized tasks and services. However, the practice of sub-contracting also carries some risks, particularly regarding labor rights. As such, it is essential to ensure that sub-contracted workers are treated fairly and given the same rights as regular workers.